Star memories

sábado, 30 de abril de 2022

Necesidad emocional

A dear friend of mine was wondering if you got attached to me because of emotional needs. Meaning I'm your source of energy, security and safety and you only need me or love me because of that. 

I guess right now I feel like a ball of vibes who was shut down and you lighted on. And, at the same time your presence feeds the ball to get brighter but you also feed from its source. So you are the fuel and the refractory all at once. 

I know you love me, but I also know I deserve to be loved as much I do love people. So I guess it was not in my imagination when I told you I felt less loved. You said it was because you are not used to, you are shy and new to this relationships world... I guess it might be this other reason instead. I also might be wrong. And of course it is clear we cannot force love into people, nor control if one person loves the other more or less, but I know what I deserve. And it is also not fair for me to be with someone who is not sure if he will be able to love me more than he loves me now in a uncertain future. I can't always live in fear of that.

I did not say you are like Mosta and Yousuf but that you sounded like them, like if you don't care if we're together or not. 

And comparing your previous relationship to what we have does not help. Because it sounds exactly like an emotional need. It feels like, when you feel complete again, when you're back on your feet, you might get rid of me and won't think twice about it. A mean to an end.

I have always been loved halfway. I have never felt completly loved by any men I've been in a relatioship with of any kind. And I promised myself I would not allow myself to ever feel that way ever again. To not settle for any less than what I deserve. 

I really cannot understand why are you with me if you feel like that. Because I would not be with anyone if that's how I feel. Because I know when someone loves halfway, it is nearly impossible to ever love that someone completly. At least in my experience.

And you cannot put that burden in my shoulders saying: "I may feel toxic myself because I think the way I think is not good it’s a bad way and that makes me to be more reserved and not to speak up". Because that is something you need to work on yourself and you cannot pour it over me or blame me for you being more open or reserved if your words hurt me. I cannot do your personal work and my personal work.

There is not point of view from your side to be understood even if you think there is one. It feels more like a "leave it or take it" situation. And I rather leave and love myself the way I was doing before you than expecting you'll be able to see me for what I am one day. That's why I said it's better to know sooner than later. So I can decide if I am willing to take it or leave it before I get more involved because it will be harder for me to get back to my senses after being heartbroken.

And it hurts even more because it feels like you won't even try to fight for me if I leave. Like if you never really loved me.

Either you've explained yourself veeeery poorly or I'm the most naif person in this world. And both could be true and wrong at the same time.

And I know I am an amazing woman and an amazing person. And I know I deeply love you. And I love you well and I love you in a healthy way.

And I am so sorry if you cannot see that or feel the same way I feel about you. Because this is the only way I know how to love someone. And that is the only way I want someone to love me back.

martes, 26 de abril de 2022

Abuela IV

 Querida Puchi,

Llevo sola tanto tiempo que a veces no sé gestionar lo que siento. He conocido a alguien y, aunque sé que le quiero, a veces quiero escapar del dolor. 

Hace unos días, me dijo que le hubiese gustado conocerte para que le contases cosas de mí. Le dije que eso también lo puede hacer mamá, aunque entiendo lo que quiere decir.

Ojalá pudieras conocerle. 

Quizás no es el mejor momento para hablarte de él. A veces siento que los cuidados sólo van en una dirección. Sé que está pasando por un duelo pero, en ocasiones, no consigo entenderle, ni llegar a él. A veces dudo de si realmente me quiere o de si sabe quererme como yo me merezco. Tengo demasiadas cosas que entender de él: su cultura, sus orígenes, su religión (y ya sabes cuánto aborrezco las religiones) y de cómo ha sido su vida hasta ahora. 

Sé que no lo ha tenido fácil, pero nunca he sido muy paciente. Quizás necesito uno de esos paseos a la montaña para perderme, y llorar, y pensar.

Nunca entendí las ataduras a algo que no se puede ver, ni comprobar. El rezarle a un supuesto padre, como quien reza a un fantasma, para que te conceda cosas solamente si él quiere. No tiene sentido.

Yo no le tengo miedo a lo que viene después de este plano. Siempre he pensado que pobres de aquellos que necesiten de la religión para tener un compás moral. No digo que él lo necesite. Es muy buena persona. Pero las cosas que le atan a la religión nos desconectan con demasiada frecuencia. Eso y el hecho de que, este amor que nos tenemos, no está permitido ni por su religión, ni por su cultura, ni por su familia. 

Muchas veces me hicieron sentir como si mis sentimientos fuesen pecado, como si amarme (como pasó con Marco), fuese una mancha en un expediente sentimental; como si amarme (como pasó con Platero o con ese que no merece ser nombrado) fuese algo impensable porque fui un objeto de uso y disfrute sin darme la posibilidad de tomar una decisión por mí misma. De aceptarlo o de dejarlo. 

Antes de Haider (así se llama, abuela), asumí que yo era todo el amor que quería tener. Había aceptado que estaría bien, porque lo estaba, siendo una persona sin pareja, sin un compromiso o responsabilidad emocional de este tipo. 

Pero me acabó ganando poco a poco. Y me he dejado llevar por todo lo que pensé que no volvería a hacer.

Echo de menos sentir que me echa de menos. Últimamente, aunque vivamos en la misma ciudad, tengo una necesidad abrumadora de verle, de estar con él... Y, cuando no siento la misma reciprocidad, me vengo abajo. Porque no quiero depender de nadie. No otra vez. No nunca más. Y es probable que eso, que sólo siento porque no está probado que sea cierto, me incita a empujarle fuera de mi vida, a ahuyentarle para que, si esto fracasa, pensar que yo tenia razón, que no puedo estar con alguien porque me he acostumbrado a estar conmigo misma, que no necesito a nadie porque yo soy todo lo que necesito. 

Este sábado, cuando estuvimos juntos con amigos, no podía dejar de mirarle y sonreír. Le veía feliz, completo y cómodo como nunca antes le había visto. Sentía con cuánto amor y admiración me miraba. Y son esas migajas, las que luego no veo cuando vuelve al lugar oscuro donde habitan sus miedos, su religión y su duelo, las que me hacen querer salir corriendo. Como si sintiese que me quiere a medias o que yo no soy suficiente para traerle hacia la luz. 

Igual es porque, para traerle hacia la luz, tiene que querer. Y yo no puedo tirar de la cuerda siempre porque ya me arrastraron más de una vez. Aunque sé que puedo volver a levantarme.

Creo que también me duele porque, al principio, sentía que nada de lo que hiciera podría alejarle de mí. Pero, desde que empezó Ramadán, empezó a decir que parece que busco excusas para discutir. Y no sé si tiene razón o si, en realidad, no se da cuenta de que yo también ando perdida entre sus propias trampas mentales, que le traicionan entre lo que me ama y cómo me ama y la manera en la que le han dicho que tendría que amar. A lo mejor, mi vaticinio de bruja a principios de mes ("No sé si sobreviviremos a Ramadán") y el hecho de que se acerca la fecha límite de lo máximo que he durado en pareja (tres meses, a los 17 años) también me están jugando una mala pasada.

Hoy es la segunda vez que no le deseo buenas noches porque me he sentido dolida y no me salía del corazón escribir algo que, en realidad, no siento. Y en el fondo pienso que, del mismo modo que yo le di un ultimátum en febrero por no responsabilizarse emocionalmente y acompañarme en mis logros profesionales, él podría también decidir hacer lo mismo por enfadarme con cosas que yo siento que tengo razón y que él no ve de la misma forma. 

Y no estoy dudando de si tengo razón o dejo de tenerla. Pero sí que es cierto que la teoría me la sé muy bien. Que mi deconstrucción y mi feminismo han dado sus frutos en muchos aspectos de mi vida que me acompañan y me empoderan. Pero la teoría no funciona cuando la otra persona viene con cero de práctica. Por eso igual, también, ha podido funcionar hasta ahora. Porque su deconstrucción es un camino que está andando cogido de mi mano. Es sólo que, por momentos, cuando aparecen la dichosa religión y las mentiras que le han contado, hace ademán de soltármela. Y me pongo triste, y me entra la ira, porque esos momentos me hacen revivir los traumas del pasado. Me hacen comparar y mi cerebro no deja de darle vueltas y analizar si estoy viendo patrones que me alertan, de hombres occidentales, en las acciones de un hombre oriental que no tiene ni idea de lo que le estoy hablando porque, aunque tenga 25, para muchas cosas le llevan tratando como un niño durante todos esos años.

A veces pienso, ¿qué puedo esperar de una persona que, hasta ahora, creía que amar a alguien era conocer a una mujer, hablar unos meses con ella y que te apañasen un matrimonio rapidito para poder pasar a la siguiente persona a la que la familia quisiera controlar? Y, si es entre primxs, mejor que mejor, así todo queda en casa. Una persona que, sin conocerme de más de una noche, me dijo que me amaba. Una persona que, cuando nos dimos el primer beso, me lo volvió a repetir. Una persona que, cada noche, me escribe el mismo (puñetero) mensaje como quien repite una cantinela:

"I'm going to sleep babe.
Good night
Take care
Sweet dreams
I love you"

Como si no supiese decir nada más. Robotizado (¿ves a lo que me refiero con discutir por bobadas? Cualquiera persona estaría encantada de que, al menos, alguien se estuviese tomando el tiempo de mandar ese mensaje). 

Una persona que, cuando estábamos lejos, antes de la muerte de su padre, me decía y prometía las cosas más románticas... Y que, a mí, me daban bastante arcada porque, lo que odias en otras personas, suelen ser las cosas que ves en ti. Y, claro, yo hacía tiempo que no veía a esa Bea asquerosamente pastelosa, años. 

Antes de su padre, podía poner en duda sus creencias abiertamente. Perderlo parece que se ha convertido en un tira y afloja entre las falacias que le han vendido y las verdades espirituales que yo intento hacerle ver. Y no lo hago por hacerle daño, sino porque veo que son sus creencias las que se lo hacen y que, por ende, me hacen daño a mí. Al fin y al cabo, ante un fantasma que han alimentado en él durante años y yo, está claro quién tiene las de perder. Yo soy la extraña, lo prohibido, lo exterior, lo nuevo... Pero también soy la libertad, la aceptación, la comprensión... Pero soy una. Y, detrás de ese monstruo fantasmagórico, son mucha gente, muchos fantasmas, muchas raíces y muchos miedos. ¿Cómo se puede dejar atrás un miedo ancestral que tiene inundada tu vida? ¿Qué quedaría si tiras del tapón y dejas que toda esa agua se vaya por el sumidero? Queda la nada. Y es más fácil (y da menos miedo) agarrase a ese flotador en ese agua que coger mi mano para pasar a la otra orilla. Y yo, que a veces intento navegar esas aguas para intentar llegar mejor y más cerca a su mano, siento como las olas furiosas de todo lo que le han dicho me dan en la cara intentando que me ahogue o que desista del empeño. 

¿Cuánto estoy dispuesta a perder en ese naufragio? El otro día me dijo que, después de Ramadán, todo será distinto. Que será mejor. No sé si sabe que soy consciente de que, en un año, vendrá otro Ramadán. En unos meses/ semanas/ días y horas vendrán sus miedos, o su cultura, o su religión sin Ramadán, o las imposiciones de su familia. Que no porque él quiera, cuando él quiera, cuando a los tiempos que marca su religión le vengan bien, vamos a bailar juntos el agua. 

Como me decía Belén, el problema es que la excusa del Ramadán, la religión o la cultura, sólo se emplean cuando a él se le vienen encima. Si se me vienen a mí, él me pide que entienda, que acepte, que respete. Y lo intento. Y, a veces, me callo para no hacerle daño. Y lo sabe, y me lo agradece. Otras, lo hago porque sé que, sin ese amor y sin el tiempo y la paciencia necesarias, entonces sí que estoy condenada a perder esta batalla. Y ese es el problema de las religiones. Otras veces, pienso que sigo siendo esa persona de la playa de Iván Ferreiro en Turnedo: 

"Que no quieres que te quieran, sólo quieres que te abracen"

Porque le he cogido miedo al amor de muchas maneras. Y esto lo digo reconociendo que, en gran medida, desde que empecé a amarle no he tenido miedo al fracaso, ni a la ruptura, ni a compartir mis espacios. Todo lo contrario. A pesar de mis reticencias o mis cero expectativas, todo lo he sentido como algo muy natural, muy humano y muy sencillo de incorporar a mi rutina.

Irene me ha dicho que tengo derecho a sentirme insegura, a plantearme todos los días qué hago en esta relación. Si quiero o no seguir con ella. Y eso me tranquiliza porque no sabía que esos pensamientos eran compatibles con la vida amorosa. Por lo visto es muy común y, por lo que parece, muy necesario de normalizar.

No sé cómo me levantaré mañana, abuela. Se han juntado también otros factores: esa época del año dichosa, esos cambios de tiempo (que decías tú), esa astenia primaveral del carajo del sol que no llega a salir y del frío que no se termina de ir de los huesos. 

Ojalá saber lo que sería contarte todo esto persona. Ojalá saber lo que tú dirías.

Un achuchón, abuela. Y miles de besos de esos sonoros que tanto nos dábamos.

Te amo.

Eso es lo más seguro que sé reconocer en esta madrugada.

lunes, 25 de abril de 2022


I'm sorry, you know? 
I'm sorry because I promised you and myself that I'd love you well. And sometimes I'm not doing that. 
I'm sorry because most of the time, when you text me and I see your text but I don't reply is because I miss you but I still don't have the courage to be honest with myself and you. 
I'm sorry because, when I feel overwhelmed, stucked or afraid is because I deeply love you in a way I cannot understand, nor express. 
I'm sorry because, even if promised to be honest about what I feel, most of the time I'm not even able to speak up and tell you what's bothering me. 
I'm sorry because nobody taught me how to love in a healthy way and I sold you the idea of a healthy relationship even if I only knew how to theoretically, do it, but not how to put in practice.
I'm sorry because I was alone for so long that sometimes I cannot manage my alone time and I miss you when I shouldn't and blame you for not being there even if it is my fault for not being able to compartmentalize. 
I'm sorry because by loving and caring about you I'm forgetting to ask you how to love me and care for me in return. 
I'm sorry because I sometimes look at you and I see a child I'm mothering even if our love has anything to do with that. 
I'm sorry for not being patient because being by your side feels like we've been together for years and I still expect from you to change the things I know it took me years to change. 
I'm sorry because sometimes I long for a life without you and don't tell to some people that I'm with you because it feels hard to acknowledge this commitment in spaces I know we won't ever be able to share, like bars and drunk situations. 
I'm sorry for me because learning how to keep loving me while loving you is still difficult to process.I am sorry because I'm still expecting to have this idealistic relationship you sold me when we were apart, even if I did not want it at that time, and now I'm not capable of dealing with the disappointment of not having all those things you said. 
I'm sorry because even if I know I need my personal space, I cannot understand when you need yours and I get sad and mad because it feels as if I love you more than you love me.
I'm sorry for expecting you to behave in a way I made up in my mind without verbalizing how I feel more comfortable.
I'm sorry because I want you to learn how to give me more pleasure and not being so selfish in bed but I'm still unable to speak up, take the initiative and make things clearer.
I'm sorry because I do not understand religions. I do not understand why people just accept that loving someone is a sin, I don't understand why are always women the unholy ones when we are as sacred as our Earth.
I'm sorry because I want you to involve me more in your costumes and life and culture but you don't ever do it on your own and I have to ask because you're not used to. But I don't ask because I'm afraid you'll say no and that will make me feel bad. And I don't ask because I've learned other cultures and behaviors by repetition and I cannot understand why you're not doing that: mimicking behaviors you're seeing in all of us to make me feel loved.
I'm sorry because you always tell me it is amazing the way I love and care you and, everytime you say that, I want to ask who's taking care of me but I don't have the courage to tell you because you'll be sad.
I'm sorry because I am afraid if I see you as a kid now I might start seeing you as a friend instead of my partner, even if I don't want you to grew up fast so you can experience all the things you should experience. 
I'm sorry because I'm afraid I might not survive Ramadan.

martes, 22 de marzo de 2022


I'm not even sure if I should write this in English or Spanish. 

English so you will understand it. Spanish since I'm writting it from the heart. It reminds me of you singing to me in your mother tongues, Urdu and Punjabi. It reminds me of you saying: "I wish you could understand the lyrics because part of the message gets lost in translation" but, as I always say to you, it is the way you look at me when you sing them and what your voice makes me feel what speaks to me about those songs. 

I never thought I would be writting again for someone else. I thought I would keep writting to those from my past who ended up being just a rupture to my inner self; longing for something idealized that, at the end, was not love. At least not love in return. 

And, at the same time, I'm so afraid of writting, of jinxing this... Of you walking away. Of me getting scared and walking away. Of me loving you more than you love me. Because I guess no one was either taught how to love, never the less how to love in a healthy way.

And I kind of hate you and myself for that. I hate you because you made me love you. You allowed me to see a part of you I was eager to love.

And you made me feel so sure of your feelings for me over and over again that I let myself go even tho I knew I was in charge of what I felt. I had "la sartén por el mango". And now I feel I don't. And that scares me already. 

And that's what I hate myself for. Because I allowed you to have this part of me I've cherished for so long to protect my heart from the pain. So I feel like I gave up on that little girl within me. Because she's been in such dark places, so deep down, that it took me forever to pull her out, to bring her back to the light. And, after that, I decided to protect her at all costs. So I built a shield. A wall around me. A wall I promised myself a long time ago I should never built.

When you finally were here for the first time, after acknowledging what I feel for you, even if it was for a few hours, the world made sense. And I realized I was looking for your touch all the time...

I remember when I used to say you were too romantic for my taste. And then I confessed to you I used to be like that before men broke my heart too many times. So I was holding on to you, sometimes afraid of you not wanting to hold on to me... But then I remember two different things you said.

First, at your arrival:

- "Do you think people is judging us when they see us holding hands because I'm Pakistani and you're Spanish?"

Last, when you were leaving, after you kissed me on the street:

- "If I were doing this back in my country, I'd be dead. I get jumpy sometimes when you touch me because I'm not used to do this out in the public; because I was not allowed to do this before"

And then it hit me: even if holding hands, walking together and kissing each other felt like something we had been doing for a long time, it was a first time for both of us. So I was afraid you would get tired of me holding you and you were afraid of doing things you're not sure if you're allow to do. 

All of these led me to accept how much more I needed you here. Because I was very excited to figure out what we have; to learn with you, to see you thrive leaving your fears behind, to allow myself let go of my fears. 

And I know we were not supposed to meet that way. But we were not supposed to be where we are now either. I was not supposed to fall in love with you. And things happen when they are meant to happen.

You said it looked like I had less "desires" compared to yours. Less "wildness". But this is also coming from a place of fear because, with all the open-minded I can be, no one ever gave me the chance to explore myself. The same way you did not have an open space to explore yourself before. And you've already seen that has changed.

That's why I asked for your patience. Because it took me some time to be where I was when you met me. And now I was willing to undo that path to go back where I was before being hurt, so I could enjoy the ride along with you.

I remember now when we first met. When you used to put your arm around my shoulders or you used to touch my hair. I remember that I felt imprison and I wanted to move away. But then it has became a part of the things I want you to do: for you to hold me, to look for my touch, to try to play with my hair. 

And it is funny when you say you're afraid of me not wanting to commit to you because I know I already am. Most of my close ones know I am with you, while you cannot tell anyone from your side because what we have would not be accepted. 

Weeks back, I wanted to upload a story with a picture of us. It is a picture I took of you and I at Enjoy Coffee and I sent to Juanfran when he asked: "What's the couple doing today?". And we look so happy and beautiful that I wanted to upload it and I finally got to do something about that. 

I know it's stupid but now, sometimes I feel that I love you more than you love me. When I used to feel it was the other way around. I guess it's part of my insecurities. But I usually feel like I look for your kisses, your hugs and your attention in public more than you do for mine. Which for me, doing that in public, speaks loud and clear about me being with you, since with other guys I never wanted for people to know. And even if I wanted to, I was afraid of doing something that would make them walk away. But not with you. 

And at some point I've understood why do I feel like this. Because everything you said we would do in public when we were video calling is not all of what we've done in person.

In my case, I've done everything I thought I wouldn't do. But now the time, you being tired, the lack of hours in the day and Ramadan coming closer it's freaking me out. 

I always remember when you told me you were sorry because you came into my life carrying a lot of problems regarding to family, like having to keep what you and I have in secrecy. And I never cared because I knew from the beginning, but there are still some things I don't know how to deal with.

In my case I'm sorry because I also come with problems on my own, like being insecure now about what you feel for me just because you are not behaving like I thought you would. 

When I've seen other people relationships, even my own, I always hated what is called "tira y afloja" (cut and thrust). It means you don't have to give everything to your significant other. You have to pull from the rope of the relationship and then let it loose, like a game where you cannot be fully honest.

And sadly, now I feel I'm doing that to you. And I hate it because I believe it's hormons, lack of habit and fear to suffer.

I have told you why Ramadan scares me. To me it feels like you're slipping away through my fingers. Specially about the lack of intimacy and I'm not talking about sex. And maybe that's why it looks I'm walking away. Because I can see you're capable of doing it. And I don't want to be the one longing for something I cannot get. While videocalls all we needed was to touch each other to make it real, to prove we were not going anywhere and we would be there for each other. Now we can have it but you're not allowed. And I feel, when I met you in December, I was able to challenge you about these religious things. I was able to talk about it openly without fear, without being worry of you getting mad. And now I can't. Because doing it feels like hurting you. And it didn't feel that way before. And I wish I could take that back.

I'm always been very touchy and I need physical contact to reasure my feelings, my empowerment, my security and safety... And one month is too long and I know it's going to hurt me not being able to touch you or kiss you because someone decided what we have it's a sin. And I'm not a sin. What I feel is not a sin. Many people, familiars and friends, made me feel bad for being caring and in need of love and kisses, and they rejected my love and hurt me as a child. Many men made me feel I was a sin, or what we had was a sin, or even what they did with me was a sinful thing, as an adult...  And I fought hard to live my life the way I wanted, with the freedom I could have, loving myself for who I am, and it makes me angry and sad the belief of someone judging who I am or what I am just because we naturally and purely love each other.  

And I feel like crying, like I have a weight on my chest. And I feel selfish too and in need of SPACE. 

Away from you, from the world, to reconnect to myself, to Earth.

And I'm sorry because whatever I'm feeling, I know you're feeling it too, like a short-circuit between your soul and mine. 

I'm in an apocaliptic mood: if your religion, your family and your friends/ roommates are against us, why do we keep fighting it? 

Because my lack of religion, my family, my friends and even my colleagues are embracing us.
And I don't know how much I can pull from my side of that rope. 

It is not about you telling anyone from your family about us. Even if I feel you cannot even share the friends/ roommates part with me because it feels like I'm an outsider, when I can openly share all my friends part with you.
It is more about knowing that it does not matter when you do tell them, they won't accept us. Neither will your believes. They won't accept me. 

And I know I'm more than good. Not just as a person, but as a whole. A ball of light. And I cannot allow myself to lose that. Not again. Not for anyone. 

Can we have everything?

Can you have everything?

Because I know I can.